Trust Me (The Donovan Family Book 4) Page 7
As she rocked against his thigh, he muttered her name and shoved her sweater up her chest. The evening air on her skin was like a splash of cold water on her over-heated skin, and she gasped into his mouth. He nipped at her lip and bent to taste her breast.
They needed to be flat. She wanted to feel his weight on her. She needed to strip his clothes away and taste all of him.
She fumbled behind her for the door handle. Curling her fingers around it, she pulled to open the door.
Locked. The door was locked. The handle clicked back into place with a hollow snap in the dark quiet of the night.
Both of them froze.
Pulled away. Panting, overheated, they stared at one another for a long moment.
"Holy shit." His chest heaved and his face was flushed. "What the hell was that?"
"It...I...I don't..." She'd lost the ability to form coherent words. "Wow."
"Yeah. Wow." He took a step back and shoved his hand through his hair. Several clumps stood straight up, and she reached out to smooth them down. Then snatched her hand back.
"That was...unexpected," she finally managed to say.
"Yeah." His throat rippled, and he glanced at her van. "Were you trying to open the door?"
Yes. If it had been unlocked, they'd be on the back seat right now, tearing each other's clothes off.
"What? No!"
"You so were." One side of his mouth curled up, and he reached for her. She tried to move out of the way, but her legs were still shaky. Weak.
Instead of grabbing her shoulder, he palmed her breast.
They both froze again. His fingers tightened around her, and a bolt of lightning shot to her groin. She sucked in a breath and leaned toward him. Then, catching herself, she shrugged him off.
"Stop it! Don't touch me again! Do you want to be caught fucking in my van? In a public parking lot?"
He didn't speak, but she saw the answer in his hooded eyes. Yes. A red flush covered his face and neck. His chest heaved as he panted, and his hand flexed and closed, flexed and closed. As if he still held her breast. He leaned closer, as if to kiss her again, and she put a hand to his chest.
"Connor!" His heart thumped wildly beneath her palm, and she curled her fingers into him. Forced herself to say, "I'm a teacher and you're a cop. You want our names in the paper for public indecency?"
He shook his head, as if clearing the fog of lust. He reached down and adjusted himself, then tugged her sweater down. His shaking hands were surprisingly gentle as he smoothed it into place.
"Didn't mean to get carried away," he said gruffly. "Didn't see that coming." His gaze touched her hips, her chest, her lips. Lingered on her mouth.
"I didn't expect it, either." She was stunned at how quickly she'd lost control.
She hadn't lost control in a long time. After the storm of grief and rage when Genie was killed, she'd become cold. Contained. Walled off.
She hadn't felt a thing. Wanted it that way.
With one kiss, Connor had demolished every brick in that wall.
She needed to regain her focus. Get her control back. She bent to retrieve her car keys from the asphalt.
Forcing herself to face Connor, she said, "Do you need a ride to your car?" Please say no.
"Nah. The walk will be good for me. Fresh air. A little time to settle down."
"Okay." She turned her back on him and fumbled with her car keys. It took two tries to get her key in the lock.
As she yanked the door open, Connor put a hand on her arm. "Come home with me."
"No." She shook off his hand, glanced at her watch and climbed into the driver's seat. "I'll see you around."
He held the door she tried to close. "That's a brush-off line, but it won't work. I'll see you soon, Raine."
"Yeah. Whatever." She tugged the door closed, started the van and steered it out of the parking lot.
In spite of her panic over what had just happened, arousal hummed low in her abdomen. Need prickled over her skin. Her fingers burned to touch him again.
Trying to ignore it, she steered toward the expressway.
She wasn't running away. She was regrouping. Refocusing.
She glanced in the rear view mirror before she turned the corner. Connor stood on the sidewalk, watching her drive away.
Connor watched Raine's old van turn the corner too fast and head toward the expressway. He wouldn't have minded a ride to his car – he was still painfully hard – and he wouldn't have minded a few more minutes with Raine, either. But he'd seen panic flare in her expression as the lust cleared from her brain. Rather than feed her panic, he'd walk the few blocks to his car. Slowly.
The cool air could ice the shiver of panic that rolled through him, as well.
He unzipped his jacket as he headed toward the downtown area. He'd been moments away from stripping off Raine's clothes and taking her against the side of her van.
She'd been moments away from letting him.
He aimed a vicious kick at a stone on the sidewalk and watched it skitter away. Thank God they'd come to their senses. Getting arrested for public indecency? Completely humiliating.
Wouldn't have done much for his prospects for a second date, either.
By the time he reached his car on the top deck of the parking garage, his pulse had stopped thundering and his breathing had evened. The long day and the late night preceding it had caught up with him. He opened the windows of his car and drove home with the chilly air blowing in his face. Colder than hell, but it kept him awake.
He fell into bed when he got home, but he couldn't fall asleep. The highlight reel of his day with Raine unspooled in his mind. The starring role was played by the episode in the dark beside her van.
His cock swelled as he thought about the impatient, desperate sounds she'd made. The way she'd gripped his ass. Slid her hands beneath his shirt and stroked his abdomen, as if she wanted to memorize every line and contour of his body. The way she'd kissed him, her mouth hot and hungry and so damn sexy.
He groaned and rolled over. This wasn't the path to a restful night's sleep. He was on call tomorrow, and his phone could ring anytime after midnight if a body dropped.
He needed to sleep, but he couldn't put Raine out of his head. He wanted her next to him, sated and sleepy and soft, curling into him. He wanted her spiky hair tickling his neck, and her spicy scent filling his head.
Yeah, he wanted Raine. Had a bad case of lust for her. But if he wasn't going to sleep, he should at least be thinking about something constructive. Like what Raine had planned for Northrup.
His best guess? She was trying to goad the guy into attacking her. If Northrup lost his temper and went after her, it would be self-defense.
Raine could do a lot of damage with her flying kicks and slashing chops to the throat.
He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and sighed. He'd bet a million bucks that's what Raine had planned.
It's why she went to the meet today – to hone her skills.
It's why she stood outside Northrup's house – to push him closer to snapping.
Damn it! He shot upright. That's why she'd blown him off tonight. She'd looked at her watch more than once. She'd been planning on going to Northrup's house again tonight. He'd bet she was there right now.
He glanced at his clock. Two minutes past midnight. He should sleep.
Wasn't going to happen. He tossed back the sheet and blanket with a muttered curse and threw on his clothes. Five minutes after that, he was heading toward LeMoyne, calling himself an idiot. He should have figured this out sooner.
Slowing his car, he turned down the quiet street. Like the last time, most of the houses were dark. Cars lined the curbs on both sides of the street. He didn't see her van.
Didn't mean she wasn't there.
He slowed to a crawl as he neared Northrup's McMansion. The porch light was on, as was a light in the living room. Hard to figure if the guy was home or not.
A sh
adow moved beneath the huge maple tree on the parkway, and Connor slammed on his brakes. "Damn it!"
Letting the engine chug, he rolled down the window. "Raine. What the hell are you doing here?"
For a moment, he thought she was going to pretend she didn't hear him. Or take off running. "God damn it, Raine!" he said as he opened the car door.
She stepped out of the shadow of the tree, her hands on her hips. Her tight jacket outlined her breasts, and he remembered how they'd felt in his hands. Soft. Silky. The sounds she'd made when he'd touched her echoed in his head.
Her running tights clung to her thighs and ass like a second skin, and his hands itched to touch her. Squeeze her firm muscles. Peel the tights off her body. Damn it! He slammed the car door, the sound echoing down the car-lined street.
"Your timing sucks, Donovan. What are you doing here?" She stared at him out of narrowed eyes, her mouth a thin line.
"I'm here to haul that fine ass of yours away from Northrup's house."
They stared at each other for a long moment. Neither of them moved. Neither of them dropped their gaze. Connor's heart pounded and his cock surged to life. Swelled. Hardened.
Finally, Connor strode over to her. She held her ground and watched him.
"Raine." He clenched his teeth to keep from yelling. "What's your plan here? Get Northrup to attack you, so you can attack him back?"
"Not your business." But her eyes flickered.
"Damn it! He's twice your size. He will hurt you. Maybe kill you."
"I can take care of myself."
"With your kung fu moves?" He moved closer. Crowded her. Felt the heat pouring off her body. Smelled the scent of her arousal. "Not on a guy his size."
Her eyes narrowed. "I've taken down plenty of guys his size. You saw me do it today."
He closed his eyes for a moment, struggling for control. He needed to make her understand. He wanted to shake her.
He wanted to fuck her.
"Yeah. On a mat, in a controlled environment. You think Northrup is gonna play by the rules?" He needed to touch her. To shake some sense into her. "He'll destroy you."
"Not your problem."
"It damn well is my problem." He grabbed her upper arms and pulled her toward him. "Get in the car."
"Let me go!" She shoved her arms to the side, trying to free them, and he tightened his grip. Wrapped one leg around hers, so she couldn't kick him. Backed her into the tree.
"I'll let you go when you agree to leave."
"Who made you king? You can't tell me what to do."
"Looks like I am, doesn't it?"
She grabbed his shirt in both hands and tried to pinch him. He let go of her arms and twined her fingers with his, then held them above her head.
"Go ahead and try your moves on me, Raine," he murmured into her ear. Her hair tickled his nose and her citrusy, spicy scent rose from her skin. "Let's see what you can do."
She shoved her knee toward his groin, but he blocked it with his leg. "Not working out for you? Go ahead. Try again."
She tried to head-butt him, but he leaned back. "Fancy moves don't work so well up close, do they?" Her pulse pounded on the side of her neck, and he wanted his mouth there. Wanted to feel her heart pound against his tongue. "You blew me off because you were planning on coming here. Stalking Northrup."
She struggled against him, and her breasts flattened against his chest. His cock jerked and got harder.
"I wouldn't have gone home with you," she panted. "I'm not interested in you."
Chapter 8
He captured Raine's mouth with his and swiped his tongue across her lips. Bit her lower lip, then sucked it into his mouth to soothe it. She tried to bite him back, and he let her hands go. Shoved up her tight jacket and slid his hands beneath her running bra.
Her hot skin was slick with sweat. Her nipples were hard pebbles, and when he squeezed one lightly, she moaned. She fisted her hands in his shirt. Was she going to shove him away or pull him closer?
He teased the soft skin of her lips, and she pressed her mouth against his. When her tongue demanded entrance, he opened for her.
As their tongues danced, he caressed her breasts. Cupped them in his palms, swirled his thumbs around the areolas. She moaned into his mouth and shifted against him. Tried to make him touch her nipples.
He wanted to hear her beg. He teased her, coming closer and closer but never quite touching. She growled into his mouth and bit his lip. Hard. When he gasped, her tongue invaded his mouth.
He thrust into her mouth in time with his hips, and he dragged his thumbs over her velvet-soft nipples. She tensed against him and cried out, her hips pistoning into his.
He shoved up her shirt and took her in his mouth. As he sucked on one nipple, he shoved his hand into her running tights. A tiny scrap of lace was all that covered her, and he groaned. Had she been wearing that beneath her demure khakis earlier? In the parking lot?
Fabric tore as he tugged it aside. His fingers brushed her soft curls, and then he found her. Hot. Wet. Ready for him.
"Raine," he gasped. "God!"
Her hips jerked, as if trying to get his fingers where she wanted them. He slid through her slick folds, exploring. He touched her hard, swollen clit, and she whimpered. Then he slid one finger into her.
Tiny cries erupted from her throat. She grabbed his hand, and he thought for a moment that she was trying to shove him away. But she held his hand in place, her fingers digging into his wrist, her hips twitching.
He dragged his mouth from her lips to the soft, thin skin beneath her ear. "I'm going to make you come," he whispered. He pressed his thumb against her clit and slid a second finger inside her. "I want to hear you scream."
His thumb slid up and down as he moved his fingers inside her. She turned her head, searching for his mouth, and fused her lips to his. Her broken cries, her whimpers vibrated through his mouth, and he pressed his aching cock into her abdomen.
Her muscles clenched around him, and he swallowed her scream as she came apart in his hand. She pulsed for long moments, then she was fumbling with her tights. Tugging his jeans down his leg. Wrapping her legs around his waist and lowering herself onto him.
He spun them around, braced his back against the tree and drove into her. Her walls clenched around him, still quivering from her orgasm. She moaned, a low, guttural sound. He thrust into her once, twice, again, then exploded. His climax went on forever, until his legs gave out and he crumpled.
He slid down the tree and onto the ground, still inside her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. The grass was cold beneath his ass, but it cooled his heated body. Raine was slumped against him, her head on his shoulder, her arms around his neck. Her breath shuddered in and out, and her hands trembled on the back of his head.
As his body cooled, his head cleared and sanity returned. A dog barked in the distance, and cars rumbled past on the busy cross street less than a block away. He'd fucked Raine in front of Northrup's house. Outside, where anyone could have seen them.
His department car idled in the middle of the street.
"Raine." He smoothed his hand over her hair, amazed at how soft it was. How silky. "We gotta get out of here."
She turned her head and pressed her mouth to his neck. Her tongue touched his skin, as if memorizing his taste. The sweetness made his throat tighten. Her eyelids fluttered against his skin for a moment, then she drew away. "Yeah."
She disentangled their bodies and stood up. Her running tights and a tiny, dark thong hung on one leg, bunched around her ankle. She braced herself on the tree and stepped into the other leg, then tugged them up. Her hand shook as she yanked down her running bra, then her jacket.
His cock twitched as he watched her. He wanted her again. Slower, this time. All night. In a bed.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to make the images vanish. God! What had he done? The good judgment he prided himself on had disappeared completely. He'd had sex with a s
No. Raine wasn't a suspect. She hadn't done anything.
She was stalking Northrup, his conscience reminded him.
He struggled to his feet, his legs wobbly, and lurched into the tree. Raine grabbed his arm to steady him.
His face burning, he jerked his pants back into place and buttoned them. Then realized he hadn't used a condom.
"Raine." He clutched her upper arms. "I didn't use any protection. Are you...?"
"I'm on the pill," she said. She swallowed and looked away. "I had a check-up eight months ago. I haven't...I'm clean."
"Me, too." His face was on fire. "God, I'm sorry."
She lifted her chin. "For what?"
He should apologize for the way they'd had sex. Fueled by anger. Outside. Against a tree. In public. But he couldn't. It had been the hottest sex of his life.
And Raine had been into it just as much as he had.
"For forgetting the condom," he finally said.
The dark shadows of the tree slashed across her face, hiding her expression. Finally she nodded. Then she turned, walking slowly toward the sidewalk.
"Where are you going?"
"Home." Her low voice was barely audible.
"I'll drive you."
"No." She stepped onto the sidewalk, began jogging toward Addison.
He chased her, caught her arm. Spun her around. "Get in my car, Raine."
Her eyes were dark. Heavy. As if tears pressed against her lids, begging to be released. She lifted her gaze to him, holding them back by the force of her will.
"I'd rather run," she said, her voice hoarse.
"Yeah, you like to run, don't you?" She wasn't fighting him, wasn't struggling against him, and he gentled his hand on her. "Let me take you home. Make sure you get there safely."
Her muscles tensed. She was moments away from shaking him off, turning her back on him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Come on," he murmured. "It's been a long day."
He steered her toward his car, surprised when she didn't put up a fight. She slid into the passenger's seat and buckled her seat belt, then stared out the window.
He climbed back into the driver's side, watching her as he shut the laptop between the seats, removed it from its bracket and set it on the back seat. "Where do you live?"