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Save Me Page 11

  "We're all going to protect Livvy." Cilla continued to stare at Ryan, as if daring him to assert his claim on her.

  He had no claim. He knew it. Cilla did, too. But he was staking one anyway. "That's good. Livvy and I can use all the help we can get."

  "You and Livvy? Is that right, Ward?" Cilla narrowed her eyes at him.

  He stared back. "That's right," he said softly.

  "Maybe Williams or Sampson will come up with something." Livvy's voice was too loud, as if she was trying to break the tension vibrating between her sister and her…lover?

  Not quite yet. But soon.

  "Yeah. Maybe those two dirtbags will deliver the goods on Bates." Cilla's gaze flicked between Livvy and Ward. "In the meantime, I came over to take care of Livvy. So you don't have to stay, Ward."

  "You're welcome to stay, of course," Ryan said. "But I'm not going anywhere."

  Livvy gripped Ryan's hands tightly, then swiveled to face her sister. "You don't have to stay, Cill. I’m fine with Ryan."

  Cilla studied Ryan for a long moment. "You sure?"

  "Positive," Livvy answered.

  Cilla stood slowly, her jaw tight. "I'll get going, then." She turned to Ryan. "You call me if anything changes. If you need anything. I can be here in less than fifteen minutes."

  Ryan stood, as well. "Of course, Cilla. And thank you. I'll call if anything changes. I'll call if I have to go out. I'm not leaving Livvy alone."

  "You don't call?" She pointed a finger at him. "I'll take you apart." Cilla reached out and pulled Livvy into a hug. "Take it easy, Liv. Feel better. I'll call you later."

  Cilla walked out the door and Ryan locked it behind her. Then he edged a blind to the side. Livvy leaned against him, watching her sister get into her car.

  Ryan let the blind drop. "Please go sit on the couch," he said quietly. "Now," he added as she hesitated.

  Swallowing, Livvy stumbled to the couch and dropped onto it. Once she was seated, Ryan eased the blind to the side again. After a few moments, he let it drop.

  "Cilla's gone. No one followed her. She knows to look for a tail on her way home."

  "Is my sister in danger?" Livvy demanded.

  He lifted one shoulder. "Maybe, since she's the one who arrested Bates. But probably no more than anyone else connected to this case. And Donovan will take care of her."

  He dropped onto the couch beside her and reached for her hand. "That’s why I'm going to see Anson in Cook County Jail. We need more information. Something we can use to keep him locked up. I don't want any more people hurt because of him."

  "What was all that staring between you and Cilla?"

  A smile curled one corner of his mouth. "She was telling me she'll rip my heart out of my chest if I hurt you. I was assuring her that I wouldn't do that. That you and I are on the same page."

  "What page would that be?" Livvy asked, swinging her legs over his thighs and wriggling into his lap.

  "The 'I'm going to keep you so close that Bates won't have a chance to hurt you' page. I was letting her know that keeping you safe is my only priority."

  "Really?" She slid her fingers in between the buttons of his shirt, tangling them in his chest hairs. Her touch sent sparks shooting to his groin. "That's your only priority?"

  He shifted beneath her, trying to focus on her words. "What else did you have in mind?"

  "Mmm." She swung one leg over his lap so she was facing him, her thighs straddling his. Based on the way her eyelids fluttered close, his erection was pressing exactly where she needed it. "Promises were made yesterday," she murmured into the skin beneath his ear. "There was talk of nakedness."

  "You were almost hit by a car," he said, smoothing his thumb over her swollen lip. He kissed the bandage on her chin. "You're beaten up. Having you feeling better is more important than nakedness."

  "You ever hear of multi-tasking?" She slid both hands beneath his shirt, and his muscles jumped as if her fingers carried an electric current. "I think being naked would make me feel a whole lot better."

  He tugged her hands from beneath his shirt and kissed one palm, then the other. "I know you're sore. I saw you limping. I don't want to hurt you, Livvy."

  "Then we won't knock any lamps onto the floor or rip the sheets off the bed." She gave him a sly grin from beneath her eyelashes. "We'll save that for another time." She pressed her mouth to his and kissed him deeply. His heart thundering in his chest, he teased his tongue along the seam of her lips. Opening to him, she whispered into his mouth, "Make love with me, Ryan."

  Chapter 12

  Ryan's mouth stilled on hers, then he shifted. Before she could whimper at the loss of his body against hers, he swung her into the air, still kissing her. Livvy clutched his shoulders, and he curled her into his chest as if she were precious. Fragile.


  She melted into him, her heart thrashing in her chest. That was exactly how she felt about Ryan.

  "I can walk," she murmured into his mouth. She didn't want to walk. Holding her against his chest, Ryan made her feel cherished. Protected.

  Never before had she wanted a man to protect her. But with Ryan, it was sexy. Arousing. Impossible to resist.

  "I like carrying you." He brushed his cheek against hers, his scruff rough against her skin. "Like having you in my arms."

  "Mmm." She ran her fingers over his chin, loving the scrape of the bristles on her fingertips.

  "I have to conserve your strength," he said, nibbling at her earlobe as he angled her through the bedroom door. "Don't want to wear you out."

  "I'm all in favor of being worn out," she said, unbuttoning his shirt as he laid her on the bed.

  The tails of his shirt fluttering at his sides, he shed his jeans and crawled onto the bed with her. Knelt on the mattress as he studied her. His eyes were dark, only a tiny rim of silver left. "You're so strong," he whispered. "So tough. And beautiful, too. You're perfect, Livvy."

  The last tiny bit of her heart he didn't already own fell into his hands. "No, I'm not," she said, cupping his face in her hands to draw him closer. "But I want to be perfect for you."

  "You are." His hands trembled and he paused as he drew her sweater over her head. He stared down at her, her thin tee shirt barely hiding her breasts. His skin tightened on his face and a flush crept up his neck. "Absolutely perfect."

  She tossed the sweater to the floor and the movement made her tee shirt scrape over her too-sensitive nipples. She closed her eyes and fumbled for Ryan's hands, putting them on her chest. "Touch me, Ryan. Please," she begged.

  Through her thin tee, his hands were hot. Gentle. She sucked in a breath and pressed up into his palms, her hands scrabbling at the waist of his boxer briefs. "I want to touch you, too."

  As she slid her hands beneath his waistband, the stretchy material pressed her palms against his hard ass. His muscles flexed beneath her fingers, and he stilled above her. She tugged the material over his impressive erection, letting it gather at his knees, then sat up and pressed a kiss to his belly button.

  She kissed her way down his abdomen, savoring the salty, clean taste of his skin. Tension vibrated off him as his muscles twitched beneath her mouth.

  Before she reached her target, he eased her onto the bed. "No way," he said. "Not now. I'll go off like a firecracker if you go any farther."

  He lifted her tee shirt, and cool air trailed over her torso. Drinking her in, he tossed her shirt onto the floor, yanked off his shorts and sank onto the bed. "So soft," he breathed, touching one nipple gently. It tightened beneath his finger, sending bolts of lightning through her body.

  "My turn to play," he said, tugging off her yoga pants. He sat back on his heels and smiled down at her now-naked body. "Commando, Liv? I like it."

  "Was kind of in a hurry," she said, shaking, as she reached for him.

  "No hurry now," he murmured, taking her mouth. He kissed her slowly, exploring her face, her neck, the sensitive spot beneath her ear. She panted beneath him, her arousal making
her tremble, her climax already building. He continued to move excruciatingly slowly. He clearly had far more self-control than she did.

  Finally he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she moaned with relief. As their tongues played, he trailed his hand along her side, making her wriggle. "Ticklish?" he murmured, leaving her mouth to explore the spot he'd found.

  When she was squirming beneath him, he moved higher until he reached her breast. He suckled her skin, nipping and then soothing it. She grabbed his hair, trying to lead him where she wanted him, but he wouldn't budge. "Playing here," he murmured against her skin.

  Finally, when she was certain she couldn't bear it any longer, he ran his tongue around her nipple. Then blew on it. The sensation of hot, then cold made her levitate off the bed. "Ryan," she gasped.

  "Hmm?" he hummed as he sucked on her nipple.

  "Oh, God." He lifted his head, and she grabbed his ears to hold him in place. "Don't stop," she begged.

  "Never stopping," he said.

  He froze for a moment, then slid lower, trailing tiny kisses along her abdomen. He put his mouth on her and sucked, and every cell in her body clenched. When he pressed the flat of his tongue against her, she exploded, screaming.

  Ryan grabbed his jeans and pulled a foil packet out of his wallet. He fumbled the condom out of the package, sheathed himself, then slid into her.

  They fit together perfectly. As if they were made for each other. When he began to move, she lifted her hips into him. Her skin tingled wherever it pressed against his. In moments she was climbing again. And when she came the second time, he was right with her.

  He lowered himself onto her chest, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck. After a moment, he rolled so she was lying on top of him. Her heart was still racing. Her arms and legs trembled. She closed her eyes, listening to his heart pounding beneath her ear, and tunneled her hands into his hair.

  "You okay?" he murmured into her hair.

  "Amazing. You?" she managed to say.

  "I'm…wow. Just…wow."

  Livvy rubbed her cheek against his chest, his fine hairs tickling her nose. "Yeah. Wow sounds about right."

  "I didn't hurt you, did I?" He tightened his arms around her. "I know you're still sore."

  "I don't think so. I can't feel my arms and legs, though, so who knows?" She tried to burrow closer. "I guess we'll have to do that all over again if we want to find out."

  He settled her against his side, then slid off the bed. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back."

  She lay sprawled on the bed while he was in the bathroom, listening to him move around. Run water in the sink. Finally he slid into bed beside her. "C'mere," he said into her hair as he lifted her back onto his chest. Then he yanked the covers over their tangled-together bodies.

  He inhaled deeply, and her heart melted into a gooey mess. To hide it, she asked, "Are you smelling my hair?"

  "Mmm, yeah," he said, his voice dreamy. "You smell like oranges."

  "You smell like sunshine," she said, rubbing her nose along his chest. She could lie here happily forever, holding Ryan. Touching him. Learning his body with her hands.

  One of her legs nestled between his. As she tip-toed her fingers along his ribs, testing the shape of them, she felt him stir.

  "Really?" she said, rising on one elbow to lick at one of his flat nipples. "Already?"

  "What can I say?" He pillowed his head on his arms and watched her, his eyes droopy, his expression soft. "You have magical powers."

  "You going to do something about it?"

  "Thinking about it."

  She wriggled her way down his body. "Keep thinking. It's my turn to play."

  * * *

  Finally, when the sky was purpling outside the window, Ryan sat up. Livvy lay beside him, her hair a tangled mess, one leg thrown over his, her body limp. His heart contracted as he watched the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

  She was an adventurous lover, sexy, fun, and oh, so generous. He wanted to gather her close and never let go.

  Before he could give in and wrap himself around her, he slid out of her bed.

  "Hey," she said, her voice raspy and deep. "Where are you going?"

  He smiled and leaned over to press a kiss into her hair. He'd been responsible for the screaming orgasms that had wrecked her voice. And there had been a lot of them. "Going to order some food. You need to keep up your strength."

  Livvy rolled onto her back and smiled up at him. "I like the way you think."

  He twitched the sheet over her amazing body to keep himself from climbing back into the bed with her. "What do you want?"

  "Hmm." Her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth curved into a dreamy smile. "You're good at surprising me. Surprise me again."

  He ignored his cock's eager twitch. "Anything you don't like?"

  "Not a huge fan of German food. But if you love it, order it."

  "I'll be right back." He padded out of the room, glancing over his shoulder to find her watching him walk away. His cock swelled and he looked away, trying to ignore the rush of arousal.

  He grabbed his phone and stared at his contact list, unable to think about anything but the woman in the next room. Finally he pushed the call icon next to his favorite pizza place. They'd have to discuss their preferred take-out joints.

  Lot of other things they had to discuss, too. Like this case.

  There was the splash of cold water he needed.

  He should have been working. They needed to nail down this case against Anson, and they'd spent most of the day in bed instead.

  "Tortello's," Mona's cheerful voice said.

  "Hey, Mona, this is Ryan Ward. I'd like to order a pizza," he said.

  "Your usual? Delivered to your address?"

  "No. Large pepperoni and mushroom. And deliver it to this address." He recited Livvy's address. "Thanks, Mona."

  "Early for you to be ordering. And a new address. You have something to share with the class, Ryan?"

  Did he? A small flutter of warning vibrated in his head. He was too blissed out in the afterglow of amazing sex to care.

  "Nothing I'm gonna share with you, you nosy woman."

  Mona's deep laugh filled his ear. "Bring her in for dinner one of these days. If you can manage to get out of bed."

  The blush scorched his body. Mona was old enough to be his mother. "Yeah, yeah, Mona. Thanks." He disconnected before the woman could say anything else.

  Before heading back to the bedroom, he stepped into the living room, dark now with the approaching dusk. Teasing back the blinds, he searched the street for either the dirty silver car or the black one with the matte hood. He didn't spot either of them.

  The blind fell back into place as he walked back to Livvy. Maybe Bates had a new guy watching him.

  He'd rather have seen one of the old ones. At least then, he'd know who was out there.

  He'd worry about it tomorrow. Today, all he could think about was Livvy.

  * * *

  Even before he opened his eyes, the light on his eyelids told Ryan he'd screwed up. It had been twenty-four hours since he carried Livvy to bed. Twenty-four hours filled with amazing sex, interrupted only by food and talk.

  Time to get to work. But Livvy was snuggled into him. Wrapped around him, really, one leg tucked between his, her breasts flattened against his back. Her hand was wedged between his arm and his chest, and a thick curl of her hair trailed over his shoulder. It tickled his nose when he turned to glance at her.

  Easing away from her slowly so he didn't wake her, he rolled over and drew her against his chest. She murmured in her sleep and squirmed closer. Her hair still smelled like oranges, and he inhaled deeply as he stroked his hand down her back.

  He was…content. Happier than he could remember being in a very long time. He wanted to lie here and watch Livvy sleep for the rest of the morning.

  Unfortunately, twenty-four hours in bed was already too many. He had a job to do, and so did Liv

  He slid away from her, swallowing at her unhappy murmur. Turning to drag the blanket over her, he saw the purple bruises stretching down her left arm and left leg.

  Souvenirs of her close call at Daley Plaza. Bates' fault.

  Anger churned in his gut as he got out of bed, threw on his clothes and strode into Livvy's kitchen. He'd talk to Anson today. See if he could get any information out of him. It wouldn't be easy – Bates wasn't a trusting kind of guy. But Ryan had to end this charade. Find the information that would stop Bates' attempt to get bail before Livvy got hurt again.

  Yanking open her refrigerator, he shoved aside the leftover pizza from the night before and spotted a carton of eggs. An opened package of English muffins – three left. Opening the freezer, he found the holy grail.


  God was looking out for him. He'd fallen in lo…found the only woman in Chicago who had bacon in her freezer.

  Depositing his finds on the counter, he started coffee brewing, then found pans to cook the bacon and the eggs.

  Fifteen minutes later, he carried a cup of coffee into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. "Hey, sleepyhead," he said, waving the coffee under her nose. "Time to get up."

  Livvy cracked one eye open and spotted the mug. "Is that coffee?" she said, struggling upright.

  "It is. Breakfast is almost ready." He handed her the mug and swept his gaze over her naked body, his cock stirring. "Join me in the kitchen. Clothing optional."

  She grinned at him over the rim of her cup, and he wanted to lean over and kiss her. Slide into bed and pick up where they'd left off last night. Instead, he walked back to the kitchen. Food. Then work. They'd be out the door in half an hour. They could play later.

  An hour later, after breakfast and a very long shower, Livvy nipped at his ear as they threw their clothes on. "Sorry I distracted and delayed you," she murmured, leaning against him as she pulled on a pair of boots. "I don't know what I was thinking."